Robotunits entwickelt, fertigt und liefert schnelle, flexible und qualitativ hochwertige Automatisierungs-Bausteine, wie Förderbandsysteme, Profiltechnik, Verbindungstechnik, Schutzzaunsysteme und Linearachsen für die Handhabungs- und Montagetechnik.
Robotunits entwickelt, produziert und liefert mit seinem standardisierten und durchgängigen Automatisierungsbaukasten schnelle, flexible und qualitativ hochwertige Profil- und Fördertechnik sowie Schutzzaun- und Linearfördersysteme für die Handhabungs- und Montagetechnik. Die Idee des Robotunits Automatisierungsbaukastens ist mit wenigen standardisierten Komponenten eine Vielfalt von Lösungen anzubieten. Für die Kunden von Robotunits bedeutet dies Zeit- und Kostenersparnis in der Konstruktion, in der Logistik, bei der Lagerung, bei den Schulungen sowie bei der Montage.
Aluminium alloys
Aluminium extrusions
Machine guards, wire
Machine safety guards, plastic
Machine safety guards, glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP)
Machine safety guards, sheet metal
Guards for woodworking machines
Guards for metalworking machines
Guards for foundry and die-casting machinery
Safety guards for portable chain saws
Actuators, pneumatic
Actuators, linear
Rough casting, conveying and scrap return systems, foundry
Core making machines, hot process
Core making machines, cold process
Core making machines, extrusion
Core drawing machines, foundry
Shot-blasting machines and equipment, foundry
Presses, hydraulic, automotive applications, for metals
Special purpose machine tools to customer specification
Guides, machine tool, metalworking
Guides, precision, for machine tools, metalworking
Encoders, linear
Control systems, automatic, materials handling and conveyors
Conveyors, agricultural
Conveyors, food processing and packaging
Conveyors, leather working
Conveyors, broke and waste paper, pulp processing
Conveyors, newspaper press
Conveyors, underground mine
Conveyors, coal briquette
Elevators, bulk materials handling
Conveyors, carousel
Conveyors, pneumatic tube
Conveyors for assembly lines
Conveyors, horizontal, for documents
Conveyors, vertical, for documents
Overhead cable conveyors
Conveyors, sorting
Tray conveyors or elevators
Conveyors, mechanical, for bulk
Conveyor systems, self-accumulating, for bulk materials
Conveyors, hydraulic, for bulk
Conveyors, rotary, for bulk
Conveyors, cable, for bulk
Conveyors, bucket
Conveyors, pan
Conveyors, chain, for bulk
Conveyors, trough, for bulk
Conveyors, roller, for bulk
Conveyors, overhead, for bulk
Conveyors, swarf
Conveyors for metal shavings
Conveyors, monorail, for bulk
Conveyors, telescopic, for bulk
Conveyors for bulk materials to customer specification
Conveyors, chain, overhead, for unit loads
Conveyors, push bar
Conveyors, belt, for bulk materials
Components and accessories for belt conveyors
Conveyor chains
Conveyors, air cushion
Stacking and loading machines, mechanical handling
Automation systems to customer specification
Weighing, filling and packaging machines, combined, for solids, granular and fragmented materials
Machine tool design and construction engineering consultants
Automatic machinery engineering consultants
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Robot Units in Northwich you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Reg. Number:05270556
Company size: 1-10 employees
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